Sketchy AFricans: What it means to be a Kenyan in modern times

What do you picture when you think of the quirks of navigating life as a Kenyan?Well, put your brush and…

Kinyanjui Kinyanjui

RUDI: A Cinematic Paranormal Ride

What comes to mind when you hear of the paranormal? Is it ghosts? Extraterrestrial anomalies? Well, whatever it is, let's…

Kinyanjui Kinyanjui

Africa’s Biggest Movie Premiere Tackles the Growing Femicide Crisis

On December 7th, Makosa Ni Yangu made history with Africa’s largest movie premiere, drawing 5700 attendees to the Sarit Expo in Nairobi. Showcased…

SanaaPost SanaaPost
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Latest Film News

Inside Kenya’s Thrilling Short Film Scene: Clean Slate

By Asnath Agatha The Kenyan Film Industry is a dynamic and ever…

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Hey, Boma Film Nights is back…

The debut of Boma Film Nights was, without doubt, a success. The…

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Spectacular Debut

By Asnath AgathaOn the last Thursday of last month, film lovers gathered…

SanaaPost SanaaPost

Freshness meet diversity

Day Four of Kitale Film Week focused on emerging filmmakers, and they…

Helga Ndinda Helga Ndinda

S.A.F.E Kenya’s Sarah

S.A.F.E Kenya (Sponsored Art for Kenya) brings the tale of Sarah (Namurru…

Kinyanjui Kinyanjui

Kitale Film Week Day 3

And as the sun set on another remarkable day at Kitale Film…

Helga Ndinda Helga Ndinda

Reeling back to reality

A documentary is a non-fictional film that captures reality, reconstructs events, or…

Helga Ndinda Helga Ndinda

Kitale Film Week showcases Cinema that speaks to the soul

The first day at the Kitale Film Week burst onto the scene…

Helga Ndinda Helga Ndinda

Boma Film Nights: Bringing Film Community Closer

January is usually a dry month in every sense, and the film…

Helga Ndinda Helga Ndinda