In his quest of revenge for his mother’s death, Gun must save an innocent girl from the clutches of a crime lord.
From a Kenyan-run Student-led group of dedicated filmmakers, who aim to tell stories that affect the youth, Film Gurus in partnership with Dace Media under KCA University comes a riveting Crime-Thriller MISTAKEN IDENTITY.
MISTAKEN IDENTITY is a film of a man out for revenge. Gun, a fierce individual, is recruited to do the gang’s dirty work concerning collecting debts. On a mission he is instructed to abduct a girl from her school for ransom. Unfortunately, he grabs the wrong one.
When he’s at his boss’s compound, he refuses to give her up with the claim that she wasn’t meant to suffer. This is informed by his childhood memories of his mother’s death.
He decides to fight for her life no matter the cost. He is later captured after fleeing and brought to his boss to face the consequences. Gun is now in a position to exact his revenge.
Watch the Trailer here

Produced by Decima Wesa and Directed by Fabby Grace Njongoro backed up with an exceptional crew and a revered Cast consisting of; Eugyne Kwach, Amanda Birgen, Ndiangui wa Muya, Collins Otieno, Amy Muthoni, Hitilafu Riet, Rita Olive, Geofrey Karabilo, Suki Wanza, Levi Kaugu, Buxton Wafula and Ondicho Jeremiah, MISTAKEN IDENTITY premieres Saturday May 13th 2023 at Anga IMAX Diamond Plaza 2 Parklands.
Tickets are on sale via M-Pesa App, Buy Goods and Services, Till Number 8448212 (Decima Wesa)
85% of the Tickets are Sold Out so fanya hima!!! Nyakua Tikiti Yako SASA HIVI before time runs out.
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