Train Murder Mystery, a young lawyer in mourning with her friends over the tragic demise of a former lover and the plight of the boy-child are just some of the gripping storylines showcased by the Award Winning Theatre Production Company, Millaz Productions and the foot is still on the pedal.
Founded by Xavier Jerry Nato, a talent hub with versatility together with innovative minds, Millaz Productions is set to grace the stage with its all new, THE THREE WASHKETEERS this coming weekend at the Kenya National Theatre.
When a trio of “cleaners” find themselves in the middle of a shocking saga, they must find a way of getting themselves out of the equation but also, THEY HAVE TO GET PAID.

Screen, Stage Director, Producer and Founder of Abudu Productions, BRIAN ABUDU spearheads the play as it’s director keeping the creative engines running.

Having produced previous and acclaimed Millaz projects such as; Midnight Train, Deno Says He’s Dead, Father Studies among others, the two time Kenya Theatre Award Winning Actress, Producer, Bsc Telecommunications and Information Engineering graduate, Millaz Productions CEO, CLARE WAHOME once again helms an upcoming Millaz project and by assessing her accolades and credits, much is expected from loyal fans.

Written by Sheldon Owinya (Hummingbird) and Ted Munene (Father Studies), THE THREE WASHKETEERS features revered thespians and big shots in the theatre space namely; Red Brenda (Deno Says He’s Dead), Major Baraza (Midnight Train), Mike Ndaka (Iron Snake), Ken Aswani (Second Family), Sophia Masenza, Vivian Nyawira (Midnight Train), Keith Maina (Red Flags), Saumu Kombo (Market Price), Ntinyari Karani (Mercy) and Brian Gaitan (Who’s Your Daddy).

Off stage is a dedicated crew namely; Brian Aseli (Music Director), Allan Otieno (Set Designer), Maggie Hirams (Costume Designer) and lighting by Josiah.
THE THREE WASHKETEERS will be staged on Saturday 3rd of June and Sunday 4th of June 3pm and 6pm respectively at the Kenya National Theatre Main Auditorium.
Reserve your spot SASA HIVI via the Link
Fanya Hima before tickets get sold out
Tupatane #TheThreeWashkerteers
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