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The course "Glam It Up: Mastering Film Makeup Techniques with Suki's Masterclass" is designed to teach the fundamental techniques of makeup artistry for film. The course is taught by Suki, a professional makeup artist with years of experience in the film industry.


The course is divided into five modules:

  1. Introduction to Makeup Artistry: This module covers the basics of makeup artistry, including the different types of makeup products and tools used by makeup artists.
  2. Makeup Artist Profile: This module focuses on the role of a makeup artist in the film industry, including their responsibilities, skills, and experience required to be successful in this field.
  3. Makeup Products, Tools & Equipment: In this module, students will learn about the various types of makeup products, tools, and equipment used by makeup artists to create different looks.
  4. Skin: This module covers the basics of skin types, skin tones, and the various techniques used to prepare the skin for makeup application.
  5. Practical Makeup: This final module is the most hands-on, where students will learn how to create different makeup looks using the techniques and knowledge they have learned in the previous modules. Students will work on models or mannequins to develop their skills and techniques.

Upon completion of this course, students will have a solid foundation in the techniques and principles of film makeup artistry and be able to apply this knowledge to create different looks for film productions.

Course Currilcum

    • Makeup Artist Dress code & Hygiene 00:05:00
    • Creating a Profile 00:05:00
    • Makeup Artist Dress code and Hygiene Quiz 00:05:00
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